Kids and Cubs Clinic is a speech pathology clinic located in Balmain, Inner-West Sydney. We offer speech pathology assessment and therapy to children from 0 to 16 years.

About Us

Little Steps, Big Goals

We support your child’s goals every step of the way.

We are a speech pathology clinic providing evidence-based, family-centred speech assessment and therapy services to children. Our therapists share hospital and private practice experience, and a commitment to ongoing professional development, ensuring we provide the highest quality supports to your child.

How we can support you:

  • Speech Assessment
  • Therapy for toddlers and preschoolers
  • Therapy for school aged children
  • Articulation and lisp
  • Understanding and using language
  • Literacy, reading and spelling
  • Stuttering therapy
  • Communication devices (AAC)
  • Fussy Feeding
  • Telehealth (Online) therapy
  • CAS Clinic
  • Autism and Developmental Delay

We provide paediatric speech pathology services for the following:

Speech Assessment

Kids and Cubs Clinic offers speech pathology assessments for children aged 0-16 years old in Sydney Balmain. A speech pathology assessment will investigate any range of concerns regarding your child’s communication and will diagnose any existing communication difficulties.

Therapy for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Speech therapy for toddlers and preschoolers is designed to be engaging and fun, using play-based activities to help your child develop their communication skills. Here’s a breakdown of how it typically works:

Therapy for School aged children

Speech therapy for school-aged children focuses on helping them improve their spoken and written communication skills, which can be crucial for their academic and social success.


Articulation and Lisp

Pronunciation difficulties in children can be quite common and are part of the normal development process. However, when these difficulties persist beyond a certain age, they indicate a speech sound disorder.


Understanding and Using Language

Language delays in children can be concerning for parents and caregivers, but understanding the types, causes, and treatments can help manage these challenges effectively.


Literacy, Reading and Spelling

Speech pathologists play a crucial role in supporting literacy, reading, and spelling in children. We offer assessments, interventions, and preventative measures.



Stuttering therapy

Stuttering refers to the involuntary repetitions or pauses in speech. Stuttering can present as sound, syllable or whole-word repetitions (e.g. “Can I… can I… can I….?”), and/or pauses with and without audible airflow. 


Communication Devices (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices are tools designed to help children with speech or language impairments understand and communicate effectively and more independently. AAC can range from simple, low-tech options, to advanced, high-tech communication systems.

Fussy Feeding

Fussy eating can present as restricted food preferences. These preferences can affect eating different food groups, tastes, shapes, colours and textures.

Telehealth (online) Therapy

Telehealth speech therapy involves delivering speech and language therapy services online, using videocall. This can be an alternative to face-to-face speech therapy when you’re unable to attend our clinic due to travel, distance, or when your or your child are unwell.

CAS Clinic

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a neurodevelopmental motor speech disorder that affects a child’s ability to program, plan and coordinate the movements needed for speech.

Autism & Developmental Delay

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis that affects how your child may perceive and interact with the world. Some typical features can involve social interaction, communication, repetitive behaviours, sensory processing.

We provide paediatric speech pathology services for the following:

Latest News

School Readiness Program

Our School Readiness Program is running these upcoming holidays. Contact now to express your interest!

Assessments Available

We currently have availability for assessment and therapy sessions. Contact us to book an appointment!

Latest publication

Have you seen our article in the Darling magazine? Check us out on Page 50, Darling Spring 2024 edition Balmain Rozelle Chamber of Commerce – Darling Spring 2024

How do I know if my child needs a Speech Pathologist or a Tutor?

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What is a Language Delay?

What is a Language Delay? A language delay refers to a situation where a child’s language development is behind that of their peers. It means…

What is a Speech Pathologist? Exploring the World of Paediatric Speech Pathology

What is a Language Delay? A language delay refers to a situation where a child’s language development is behind that of their peers. It means…


At Kids and Cubs Clinic we accept the following funding options:


Private Health Insurance


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kids and Cubs Clinic?

Kids and Cubs Clinic offers speech pathology assessments for children aged 0-16 years old in Sydney Balmain. A speech pathology assessment will investigate any range of concerns regarding your child’s communication and will diagnose any existing communication difficulties.

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