Autism And Developmental Delay

Autism And Developmental Delay

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis that affects how your child may perceive and interact with the world.

Some typical features can involve:

  • Social Interaction: Children with autism often have difficulties with social interactions. This can include challenges in understanding social cues, making eye contact, and forming relationships.
  • Communication: Communication difficulties can range from being nonspeaking to having advanced language skills but struggling with the nuances of conversation.
  • Repetitive Behaviours: Many people with autism engage in repetitive behaviours or have specific routines and rituals. They may also have intense interests in particular topics.
  • Sensory Processing: Sensory sensitivities or aversions are common, where individuals might be overly sensitive or under-sensitive to sounds, lights, textures, or other sensory inputs.

The exact cause of autism is not known, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Autism can be diagnosed by a Paediatrician or Clinical Psychologist, if a child meets the DSM-V criteria, typically based on behavioural observations and developmental history. There is no single medical test for autism.

Early intervention and therapies can significantly improve outcomes. Common therapies include speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

We are also passionate about supporting children with other Developmental Concerns, including but not limited to

  • ADHD
  • Global Developmental Delays
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Genetic conditions

Kids and Cubs Clinic are a neurodiversity affirming practice. We use an approach that respects and values the unique ways neurodivergent children think, learn, and communicate.

We use an individualised and strengths based approach to encourage your child to communicate effectively, whether supporting spoken communication, or using Alternative-Augmentative Communication. We acknowledge and accommodate your child’s sensory system and encourage collaborative goal setting.

Through this we strive to

  • Enhance Engagement
  • Support your child to have a positive self-identity
  • Achieve better outcomes with more meaningful and sustainable progress

Children have unique strengths and talents. Supporting your child with the right therapies, while simultaneously increasing others’ awareness and understanding to create inclusive learning environments is our goal.


At Kids and Cubs Clinic we accept the following funding options:


Private Health Insurance
