Communication Devices (AAC)

Communication Devices (AAC)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices are tools designed to help children with speech or language impairments understand and communicate effectively and more independently. AAC can range from simple, low-tech options, to advanced, high-tech communication systems.
AAC Devices can be used to
- Enhance Communication: Provides a voice to children who are non-speaking or minimally speaking, allowing them to express needs, thoughts, and emotions.
- Improve Independence: Enables communication without relying on others (such as caregivers) to interpret their needs.
- Support for Language Development: Research shows that early introduction of AAC can aid in language development and literacy skills.
No-Tech and Low-Tech Options:
- Gestures and Key Word Sign: Gestural ways to supplement or support independent communicate.
- Picture Boards and Communication Books: Images or symbols to convey messages.
- Visuals, Writing and Drawing: Using a visual schedule to support comprehension and routines.
High-Tech Options:
- Speech-Generating Devices (SGDs): Electronic devices that produce spoken words or sentences. These can be standalone devices or apps on tablets and smartphones.
- Text-to-Speech Software: Converts typed text into spoken words, often used on computers or mobile devices.
Selecting the appropriate AAC device depends on several factors, including the your child’s age, developmental skills, fine and gross motor skills, and personal preferences. As speech pathologists, we often work with children and their families to determine when AAC is appropriate and which options is the best fit. We provide training on how to use the device effectively across your child’s important daily activities.
If you think your child could benefit from AAC, consulting with one of our speech pathologists is a great first step.
At Kids and Cubs Clinic we accept the following funding options:

- Self-managed funding
- Plan-managed funding

Private Health Insurance
- Please consult your private health provider to determine eligibility and rebate amounts.

- Chronic Disease Management plan (previously known as Enhanced Primary Care plan)
- Please discuss Medicare funding options with your GP