Speech Assessment

Speech Assessment

Kids and Cubs Clinic offers speech assessments for infants & toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children. Assessments can evaluate concerns across a range of areas including:

  • Understanding (receptive language) skills
  • Speaking (expressive language) skills
  • Pronunciation (speech sounds)
  • Social communication
  • Play and interaction
  • Higher-level language skills
  • Feeding development
  • Reading and writing (literacy)
  • Phonics and pre-literacy skills
  • Stuttering
  • Voice Disorders

The type of speech assessment we complete with your child is determined by their age and the concerns present.

  1. Toddler or Informal Speech Assessment
    • Play-based assessment for toddlers (0 – 2;11 years), or informal assessment for preschool or school age clients (i.e. speech sound only concerns).
    • Includes: 60 minute assessment appointment & report with recommendations
  2. Preschool / Short Formal Speech Pathology Assessment
    • Standardised assessment for preschool age clients (3;0 years – pre-Kindergarten start 5;11) formally assessing all standard communication concerns.
    • Includes: 60 minute assessment appointment, scoring and analysis, and report with
  3. School Age / Comprehensive Formal Speech Pathology Assessment
    • Standardised assessment for school age clients (Kindergarten onward) or for complex or comprehensive assessment of preschool age clients (such as diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech).
    • Includes: 2x 60 minute assessment appointments, scoring and analysis, and report with recommendations.


At Kids and Cubs Clinic we accept the following funding options:


Private Health Insurance
