Book an Appointment

To book an appointment, please fill in the form below. To make a general enquiry, please click here.

Details and Availability

Date of Birth
Child’s Gender

Relationship to child:
Does your child attend:
My child attends on:
Please provide the days and times that you are available or would prefer to attend the clinic (Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5pm)

Current Concerns

Has your child previously seen a speech pathologist?
I would like my child to attend:
My child has reports or letters from the following health professionals (please provide a copy if able)
Where did you hear about Kids and Cubs Clinic?
I plan to use the following funding
Attach relevant documentation:

Program Highlights


This day will focus on developing social and interpersonal skills like sharing, taking turns, problem solving and working as a team while building Lego masterpieces! We will plan our build, follow instructions, divide roles amongst our peers, and learn lots of vocabulary as we build. Don’t forget to bring a snack and water for a well-deserved crunch and sip break between building.


This day will focus on our imaginative play and role play skills. Mastering this kind of play is no easy feat but it is SO important for our cognitive, social, emotional and language development! Your child will arrive dressed up as their favourite superhero or character. We will have many play options for our imagination to run wild! Including but not limited to:

  • Building houses and towers
  • Dolls or doll houses
  • Grocery shopping
  • Cooking
  • Racing cars
  • Animals at the farm
  • Role play as our favourite characters
  • And more!


We all know reading books to our children is important for their learning, but have you ever had your child tell YOU the story? Narrative Ninjas isn’t just about listening to story books. We learn how to RETELL the story and CREATE our own (with as much support as needed). Retelling and telling spoken narratives is a precursor to being able to write our own narratives. Let’s strengthen those building blocks for academic language and help our children thrive in the classroom. Children are welcome to bring their own story book for listening and retelling. Don’t worry, we also have PLENTY of books to use in our clinic too.

*NDIS: 100% claimable through NDIS (for self and plan managed participants)

*PRIVATE HEALTH: Your child may be eligible for partial private health rebate – please contact your private health fund for further details on rebate amounts.

All groups will have a therapist : child ratio of 1:3 maximum.

Submit your interest in the program with the link below. Limited spaces are available. New clients are welcome to register, you do not need to be an existing client.

Kids and Cubs Program


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At Kids and Cubs Clinic we accept the following funding options:


Private Health Insurance
